Creating A Culture of Missions
After three years of personally investing in the disciples, Jesus transfers the responsibility for proclaiming the Gospel to the world onto His followers; that’s us! The completed work of Christ through His sacrifice and resurrection was the final stamp of authority establishing His dominion over heaven and earth for all eternity.
At The River, we embrace our part in the responsibility to go to our Jerusalem, our Judea, our Samaria, and ultimately to the ends of the earth to be His witnesses. This vision is impossible without the Holy Spirit working in and through our church body. We cannot pray for a local harvest of souls without engaging the global harvest. We cannot pray for servants to be raised up in our local congregation if we are not willing to pray for laborers to be sent into the harvest around the world.
For The River to be a healthy congregation we must embrace the call to missions. We must train our members for short term mission trips. We must partner with long term mission partners around the world. We must gather resources to facilitate and finance missions endeavors. Most importantly, we must pray!
If God is to be glorified at The River, missions work must be a fundamental and defining part of our culture.
At The River, we embrace our part in the responsibility to go to our Jerusalem, our Judea, our Samaria, and ultimately to the ends of the earth to be His witnesses. This vision is impossible without the Holy Spirit working in and through our church body. We cannot pray for a local harvest of souls without engaging the global harvest. We cannot pray for servants to be raised up in our local congregation if we are not willing to pray for laborers to be sent into the harvest around the world.
For The River to be a healthy congregation we must embrace the call to missions. We must train our members for short term mission trips. We must partner with long term mission partners around the world. We must gather resources to facilitate and finance missions endeavors. Most importantly, we must pray!
If God is to be glorified at The River, missions work must be a fundamental and defining part of our culture.
"This trip made me thankful for the life God has blessed me with."
-Dawson Pace
FT. Belknap Mission Trip, 2023
FT. Belknap Mission Trip, 2023
'It’s a beautiful thing to see in person, the Kingdom of God alive and active, some place new and far away. It was refreshing to be reminded God is in control and there is still His remnant. It was powerful to see God move directly after our team gathered to pray. We heard from three people, who were not on our work crew, that they saw massive breakthroughs after our prayer. However, the most impactful part for me was the camaraderie with the team."
- Amanda Haller
Alaska Mission Trip, 2022
Alaska Mission Trip, 2022
“This trip turned out to be a wonderful blessing. I was not sure what to expect, as I had not been on a trip of this kind since I was a teenager. And it was going to be with people I knew only in passing. However, there is probably nothing like spending hours in a car, airport or working alongside someone to really get to know their heart. And we definitely have some lovely (and FUN) people that make up our church body. At camp it was awesome to see our people step out in faith to fill a need, even if it meant being outside their comfort zone. That is God at work! I hope Solid Rock was blessed by our visit. I know I was.”
- Marci Wagner
Alaska Mission Trip, 2022
Alaska Mission Trip, 2022
"This trip was really encouraging to me as a high schooler. It makes me want to serve God in more ways. "
-Jesse James
Kosovo Mission Trip, 2023
Kosovo Mission Trip, 2023
The Barnabas Program
Partners in church missions
Barnabas faithfully partnered with Paul throughout his missions, encouraging and supporting him along the way. We understand that not everyone is in a position to go on a mission trip, but you can support and encourage those going. The Barnabas Program provides church members with the opportunity to participate in missions by financially contributing to a trip.

Mission Opportunities
We currently have short term mission opportunities in the following states and countries:
Nakalanda | Uganda
Youth Mission opportunity
FT. belknap reservation, montana
We are partnering, for the second year, with Youth For Christ - Greater Missoula, for the 2024 Fort Belknap project. We will be taking a group of high school students and chaperones to serve at a youth camp on the Ft. Belknap Reservation on the Highline of Montana. The vast majority of the kids that will be attending this camp have never heard about the Gospel or of Jesus' love for them. They will be coming from backgrounds of abuse and broken homes. The mission team will be camping in tents and have limited access to plumbing.
Mission Trip Date: June 16th - 21st, 2024
Registration: April 2024
Cost: $250.00
Registration: April 2024
Cost: $250.00

"This trip really opened my eyes to how God moves in other countries. As a young person (17), it really made me re-evaluate my walk with God and deepen my relationship with Him! It gave me a passion to continue work in missions and I am excited to see where else God will take me!
- Grace James
Thailand Mission Trip, 2023
Thailand Mission Trip, 2023
"I was blessed with the opportunity to be a part of the trip to Thailand.. I learned that whether overseas on a mission trip, or completing the mundane tasks of everyday life, we should be seeking what God wants to teach us. Sometimes it takes flying half way around the world to remember that. "
- Mikayln Brickley
Thailand Mission Trip, 2023
Thailand Mission Trip, 2023
Nakalanda, Uganda
Nakalanda is a village in Uganda. We have two full time missionaries there, Doug and Debbie Banks. The work there is bringing the Good News of Christ's love and healing to people of Nakalanda and the surrounding area. They minister to the whole person. To the spirit with the gospel of salvation in Christ. To the body with medicine and health education. To the mind by raising leaders in the school.
We would like to take a team to Uganda in the summer of 2024 to help with construction.
We would like to take a team to Uganda in the summer of 2024 to help with construction.
Mission Trip Date: Summer, 2025
Registration: Open for the 2025 Trip
Cost: $3,300.00
Registration: Open for the 2025 Trip
Cost: $3,300.00

“God touched my heart in a few ways on this mission trip. 1st being this was an amazing opportunity to serve for a camp that is all volunteer based and been dedicating there time since 1958 and operating for the children! 2nd being able to take a step back and do some self-reflecting as a parent. As a parent, not knowing all the answers to every situation is scary when raising kids, but as a Christian believer in Jesus knowing where to find the answers is comforting. Knowing that when I put God 1st and foremost, my child will be taken care of. ”
- John Connell
Alaska Mission Trip, 2022
Alaska Mission Trip, 2022