Biblical Counseling

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30  

Biblical Counseling

Biblical Counseling is a vital service we provide at The River Church, that has been changing lives.  The word “counseling”, often carries a negative connotation with it, this is unfortunate.  Everyone needs some level of counseling at various times in life.  We are all fallen creatures and need to be lifted back up at times.  Biblical Counseling helps us keep in tune with God’s plans for our lives and to be pleasing vessels to Him and in return God blesses us mightily.  Our goal in counseling is to not just help you through struggles in this life, but to help you soar. We were created to glorify God, we want to help you do that with your entire being.

ACBC Counseling 

In a world filled with pain and suffering, constant anxiety and fear, and pervasive brokenness; we at The River want to share the hope and peace that can be found in Jesus Christ.  We believe that counseling must be rooted in the truth of the Bible.  Every situation we face in life is addressed in the Scriptures and God is faithful to bring healing and deliverance to those who would apply His word to their lives.

The counseling ministry at The River offers a Christ centered, Biblically based process that can help those who are struggling in life to find the rest that Jesus spoke of in the gospels.  The Bible shows us a road map to lead us from the devastation and destruction caused by our sin and the sin of others into a life of Faith, Hope, and Love.

Request a consultation to get started.